3 patch quarter square triangle beginner quilt block QST quarter square triangles textured patchwork video tutorial

Two quilting shortcuts you didn’t know about

Check out these 2 shortcuts. One of them makes four 3 patch quarter square triangle at once.

The other one makes two 4-patch quilt blocks

Order my book Turnabout Patchwork

“Turnabout Patchwork. Simple quilts with a twist” is all about playing with blocks – making a block, slicing it up, and turning or repositioning the pieces to make a completely different block (sometimes two smaller blocks) to yield endless quilt tops.

Order Turnabout patchwork by Teresa Mairal Barreu - TeresaDownUnder

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2 quilting shortcuts video tutorial


    1. Karin, you should be able to use a different size of rectangle as long as they are the same size and together they make a square


  1. Could you show us examples of how to use smaller squares in border work? I have many scraps of patriotic fabrics that I have left over from making Quilts of Valor (www.qovf.org) and I would love ideas on how to build pieced borders on some of my quilts. Bonnie Camp, Wisconsin, USA

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bonnie, while I come up with something on borders you can search for seminole on my blog. I have 2 tutorials on Seminole borders.


  2. I live in Texas and my local fabric store had your book for sale today (11/28/2018). Of course I bought my copy and I love it. I am a new quilter and your tutorials have helped me so much. Thank you for all you do for those of us who want to learn to quilt!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really? Thank you for letting me know. I knew they were being sent to distributors this week but that was fast! I’m very happy you like the book. I’m a bit anxious at the reception it’ll get.


  3. I’m so happy you posted the this. I found it on Pinterest and tried it. It’s wonderful! I’m recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury 🤕, but I didn’t want to lose my sewing! This works & looks 👍.

    Liked by 1 person

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